and oh my, it is full of beautiful photos and amazing articles.
To say I am thrilled to have been asked to participate is an understatement.
Here's how it happened....
A few months ago, the lovely editor, Jennifer Jackson Taylor, emailed me
and asked if I would be interested in being included.
'Wow, yes, of course' I said!
And I was asked to write an article.
um, me, write?
My first instinct was to say thank you, but no.
Too afraid to write, to be rejected.
But, I realised there comes a point where you have to push your own boundaries.
To try something, and if you fail, well it isn't a failure, but a lesson learnt.
And if you succeed, then that is exhilarating.
So I sat down the next afternoon and wrote.
Basically I wrote about not being a writer, but having a blog,
and being ok with who you are in this blogging world.
It is titled 'The Daydreaming Girl'
I skim read it back to myself, and emailed it off.
And was so surprised when I received such a positive, warm response from Jennifer.
And so, here we are, the issue is out now,
that is my blossom photo on the cover,
and my article (8 pages!!!!) is nestled in amongst all the other gorgeous, breathtakingly beautiful articles.
This has been a definite highlight of my journey so far.