Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3am whispers

I have so much to catch up on with blogging, so much I want to share here in my journey about the exhibition in Napier, the Craft 2.0 market and general goings-on.  But catch up posts can wait.  I had to put everything aside today to create this new photo, with words whispered to me at 3am this morning as I tip-toed out of Annabel's room....
i love you to the moon & stars & fairies & flowers...
& back....


  1. Oh that is just beautiful!, Things like that make it so much nicer being woken up at that time of morning. How gorgeous, and such a lovely way to remember it.

  2. Hi Susannah,
    Remember me from Sitting on a Cornflake Photography? I'm working at the Wairarapa Times-Age now and we're revamping the Saturday paper. One of the new things we're doing is profiles. It's just a photo of you and about six questions about what you do. Would you be interested?
    Message me back at http://soacphotography.wordpress.com
    Have a lovely day:)
    P.S This picture is beautiful - love the words.

  3. Thanks for the lovely comments!

    Hey Sarah, of course I remember! Would love to do it if you still would like to, I've sent you a message to your wordpress address. Would love to hear from you!
