Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We all have our own song to sing

I believe, 
we all have our own song to sing.

Pink cosmos in the autumn sun, 
available over on Etsy.

Friday, April 26, 2013

I believe...

I believe
everything happens
for a reason.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Anzac Day

Today we remember.
Lest we forget.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Farewell Summer

I realised I never properly farewelled summer. 
So more than half way through Autumn,
here it is,
my farewell to the blue summer skies,
the fields of dried grasses,
the fluffy white clouds drifting lazily up above.

Until we meet again, Summer.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Oh my heart

I have been putting off writing this post, because I haven't been able to find the words.
The words to describe just what it feels like to see these magnificent balloons float in the sky,
to get up early, before sunrise, and feel the aniticipation in the air, 
and then to see them - it is nothing short of breathtaking.

The first morning of the festival was one block from our house.
Oh, it was amazing.  
On the third morning, we drove north 20 mins to see them.
The excited squeals from the kids (and me!) as we spotted the first,
the second...the third and fourth.
Pulling into a field on the side of the road, 
we realised we had stumbled across one of the fields they were flying directly over. 
We stood there, in the crisp early morning air, as 14 balloons floated above us.

I look forward to this weekend all year, 
wondering if the weather is going to be good for the balloons to fly.
This year, it was oh so perfect.
Thank you, to the weather fairies, and to the pilots, for bringing magic to our skies.
We are one very happy family, 
who will remember and talk about this weekend for a very long time.