Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where Shall We Go...?

It has been one of those weeks. We haven't really ventured out into the real world, instead spending most of it in our pj's with a sick baby, a sick little girl, and a sick husband. I have major cabin fever, and I know it is nearly Friday, and everyone is on the mend, but I have found myself reminiscing about the carefree days of my 20's, when I lived in London and Germany and packed a back at a moments notice - oh the freedom of no responsibility,
the freedom to travel the world....

I would LOVE with all of my being for my husband to walk in the door tonight and say "Let's all go on holiday...tonight...where shall we go?" To which I would reply "anywhere, I am packed and ready...."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Where we like to play...

Nearly every Friday for the last 2 and a half years we have gone to a local children's music session, which we all love. This morning I said to Annabel "Guess what day it is...Friday! Where do we go on Friday?"

She looked at me with a cheeky grin and said "The BEACH!"

A girl after my own heart.
She is SO my daughter.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I heart Tuesdays

I'll let you in on a little secret - I don't like Tuesdays. Never have, they are the longest, dreariest day of the week. But I am going to try....try and find something that makes me smile every Tuesday. Today it is these gorgeous ranunculus - I simply cannot resist ranunculus, the way they grow any way they please, curving and dipping as if they are wild and free from the floral law that says "we must grow up with straight stems"......if I was a flower this is what I'd be.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Let's Celebrate!

Oh, how I love Friday's! They have such a wonderful, "full of energy" vibe. It's the weekend! The alarm gets turned off for 2 days! The 4 of us get to spend time together! Adventures happen! Plus I nearly always mange to sneak off for a little bit of me time to re-charge my batteries. What is not to love about a weekend?

To celebrate I am offering free shipping on all photographs and note cards in my Etsy shop.
Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Too fast....

They grow so fast don't they?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!

We have one of my oldest and dearest friends & her son, my godson, coming for the weekend. I love getting the house ready for visitors, I just wish it was time already to go to the airport to pick them up!

Have a great weekend ~I hope it is filled with friends, family, wine, coffee & lots of laughter! I know ours will be.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Market

So on Saturday I had a stall at the Sisters' Market - I love that market.
Why do I love it so much?

- I am amongst arty folk for a day,
- I get to chat to customers, many of whom are regulars and I am getting to know, many of whom are new and so lovely to talk with,
- I feel so inspired by all of the talent I am surrounded by,
- I am Susannah the Photographer for a whole day!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cotton Candy...

I had planned on writing about the fantastic Sisters' Market I had a stall at on Saturday.....but today I just can't get enough of the cotton candy blossoms, and subsequently I have some decorating my kitchen table - perfect timing as we have a dinner date planned, just the two of us, once the kids are in bed....